Water of Life

Jesus answered, “Those who drink this water will get thirsty again, but those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give them will become in them a spring which will provide them with life-giving water and give them eternal life.”

(John 4:13-14) Good News Translation

We can answer a question that you may not have realized needed to be asked: what’s the difference between water of life and normal water? Is there a chemical difference, or is this intended as a metaphor?

Sometimes the Bible explicitly states things. This is when we need to be admonished, chastised or rebuked. The Holy Spirit moved the writers of the Bible to hammer out exactly what needed to be known and understood.

Oddly enough, this type of instruction or doctrine is referred to as like mother’s milk. It’s essential to the life and health of a baby. We’re not writing this for babies. At some point in a Christian’s life we anticipate that a desire for real meat will develop. It’s a longing, a craving, to know more about the mind and character of God.

It’s by knowing the character of God that we can come to understand the parts of scripture have haven’t been hammered out. This is when we can ponder things in scripture which don’t appear to be an explicit statement of a universal truth. This is when we can search for nuance by having discernment. There are a lot of puzzle pieces that look like disconnected parts of something else entirely. Only by having the sincere craving to know God are we going to look for all of these random-looking puzzle pieces and fit them in to a unified whole.

In normal water the Oxygen is a nucleus which contains 8 protons and 8 neutrons. It has atomic number 8 but has an atomic weight of 16. Neutrons are the corruption which has already been disposed of. The water of life is made from ΩOxygen, an atomic species which we have deduced is not made of smaller components. It is Omega, one of the original elemental spirits which inhabited the universe. It has an atomic number 8 and an atomic weight of 8, it doesn’t contain any neutrons.


  1. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ,
    • believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
  2. confess your sin.

It makes me chuckle every time…

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